We have a come a long way so far in regards to structuring a sound story. We have looked at and worked on five story structure components so far.
- Hook – This structure point hooks the reader and prompts them to turn the next page and keep reading. Usually really early in the story.
- First Plot Point– This structure point forces your lead character out of his normal world. Whether for good or bad is your decision but whatever the reason, your main character can’t go back to normal life after this point.
- Middle– This structure point is where your character moves from being reactionary to proactionary – I just made up that word. Think of Frodo before the council. He continued to be acted upon, forcing his reaction until the council when he decided that he would take the ring to Mount Doom to destroy it – proaction. He decides to do the acting upon. This doesn’t mean that he isn’t still being pursued it only means that now he has a purpose to his mission.
- Second Plot Point– This is where the story takes its last turn toward the resolution. This is where the character knows what needs to be done and then sets out to finish it. In Harry Potter Book #1, Harry finds the Sorcerer’s Stone in his pocket and uses it to defeat Voldemort. In Star Wars, Luke finds outs he has the force and needs to use it if he is going to defeat the Death Star.
- Resolution– This is where you story ends. This is where all the strands of your story’s plot should come together. Harry defeats Voldemort. Luke Skywalker defeats the Death Star. Katniss and Peeta defeat the Capitol with an ingenious trick against them. The story ends here.